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Back of female police officer with a pink hat at outdoor gun range.
At the Orange Park Police Department, training is of the highest priority. As a collateral duty, officers may attend instructor courses so that they may teach different topics to our staff throughout the year. A training coordinator facilitates all of the dates and locations of the training and works with our instructors to create yearly training goals to accomplish the department's mission.

Our agency has instructors who train our staff in areas such as firearms, less lethal munitions, driving training, use of force, de-escalation, negotiations, taser training, active assailant response, solo response to active assailant, defensive tactics, LEBA police bicycle training, and many more. Our instructors work extremely hard to ensure yearly training goals are met and that our agency not only meets, but exceeds the standard in all facets of the job. While our agency may be small, it is our goal to be one of the most highly trained agencies in northeast Florida.
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